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International Education Facilitation

International Education today is both exciting and complex. Exciting because, one can formally study virtually any subject at almost any level, and complex because of the multiplicity of tracks, options, programs and courses available across the world.

The universities in United States and Europe particularly offer a whole world of choices for undergraduate, graduate and research aspirants and even offer extremely specialized short-term programs in esoteric subjects and disciplines. At CHIEF, we help aspirants accurately understand their international education options and courses in their language; help them choose the right programs and majors; and equally critical, facilitate the selection of the right institutions.

CHIEF draws significantly from the expertise and experience of our partners, who deploy evolved and time-tested techniques and mechanisms to grid options for aspirants and arrive at University and Program selections.

It will not be an exaggeration to say that in entire West Africa, CHIEF’s capabilities to advise higher international education aspirants on program and university options remains unrivalled. .

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